25 Jul


Technology keeps on getting more and more advanced and we have to keep up to it. We are all hearing the undeniable rise of artificial intelligence in various sectors. What about in architecture ? What is being done in other countries and how do we deal with this in Mauritius ?

What is the definition of Artificial Intelligence ?

According to Britannica1, “artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings. The term is frequently applied to the project of developing systems endowed with the intellectual processes characteristic of humans, such as the ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize, or learn from past experience.”

And according to AI, here’s the definition. (Nova from chat GPT)

AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. It is an interdisciplinary field of computer science and engineering that focuses on creating machines, systems, and software that can perform tasks that usually require human intelligence. AI creates intelligent machines that can learn from experience, adjust to new inputs, and perform tasks that would typically require human cognitive abilities such as reasoning, learning, perception, understanding language, and solving problems. 

AI includes various technologies such as Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Robotics, and more. The goal of AI is to create intelligent machines that can automate skills, increase efficiency, and solve complex problems. AI has already found applications in various industries, including healthcare, automotive, retail, finance, and many others.

Now let’s focus on our context, our environment and our laws. Any construction greater than 150 sqm requires the intervention of a registered architect in Mauritius.

AI can be used to countercheck a design.

Once the architect froze the design, he/she can countercheck with AI to make sure that all essential elements are present in the design.

AI can be of great help in parametric designs.

 Since parametric architecture depends on algorithmic process to create different shapes, artificial intelligence could be used to design new shapes, new angles, new curves and new structures.

You will need signed drawings by registered architect and engineer for your BLUP (Building and Land Use Permit). 

As mentioned in our previous blog, when building in Mauritius, several regulations apply. Mauritius is a small country but every different region has distinct regulations pertaining to the laws of construction. The PPG (Planning Policy Guidelines) is clear and gives a good global comprehension of the situation in Mauritius. For example, for a residential coastal development, maximum height of building can be 13m if built on coastal frontage or 15m if built on coastal road keeping a minimum of 30m setback with the High Water Mark.  Walls fronting the coastal road should not be higher than 1.5m and those along the sea frontage should not be higher than 1.2m. Development along rivers, or near the airport, or on agricultural land and on sloping sites each have specific requirements.

However, with the rapid advance in technology, it will not take long for AI to have all the laws and guidelines in its database to design a house as per the PPG expectation. What will then differentiate the human to the machine will be our way to understand our clients. There are often unspoken desires which we, as professionals, understand. Moreover, it will be hard to have personalised and original designs if everyone uses AI to design their homes. All houses will have similar designs. You might as well go into your friend’s house by mistake and not even notice that it’s not yours.

AI won’t supervise your site works. 

You cannot have a site supervision with AI. It cannot be your project manager, cannot communicate and make the liaison with your other consultants.

AI does not have any liability. 

Let’s say there’s an issue with your design. No one will be liable for the faulty design. Designing a home is a complex task.


Artificial Intelligence can be a great assistance. Architects should however have the last word since this is the only way to ensure a harmonious environment for our future towns and villages. Imagine a world where everyone used AI to design their houses and no one thought about common spaces, open spaces, parks and gardens ? Our towns/villages will be filled with similar houses and no place for interactions with others. This is a little cartoon strip designed by Leewardist 7 years ago called “We don’t need an architect.” which tackles this issue.


We should learn to take advantage of the advent of technology and not be against it. Architects feel and understand the client’s needs. And machines help us realise our client’s desires. Here is what Nova from chat GPT replies to the question, “Will AI replace architects?”. 

It is unlikely that AI will completely replace architects. While AI can be used to assist architects in the design process, architects bring a unique human element to their work that cannot be replicated by machines. Architects have the ability to understand the needs and desires of clients, consider the context of a project, and create designs that are functional, visually pleasing, and sustainable. Additionally, architects must work with a variety of stakeholders, including builders, engineers, and regulators, to ensure that their designs are feasible and meet a range of requirements.

While AI can be used to streamline some aspects of the design process, such as generating initial designs based on specific parameters, architects will still need to be involved in the decision-making process and oversee the implementation of designs. In short, AI can be a valuable tool for architects, but it is unlikely that it will completely replace them.


The ADL Team

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